Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Cailynn was born about 2 weeks before her due date because I had low amniotic fluid, but her story begins months before that....

At our 20 week ultrasound, we were told that our baby had a cyst in her bladder. Otherwise, everything looked fine, I was told to go back in a month for another look. We would go back every 3-4 weeks. Over that time it was discovered that she also had a double uerter coming from her right kidney. Finally we were reffered to a pediatric urologist at Children's Medical Center. But before we could talk to him about what all this meant for our baby, it was discovered that my amniotic fluid was low, and getting lower - and low fluid made complications (including death) more likely during delivery - so that very same day we went in to the hospital to induce labor and have our baby girl.

Despite the induction, labor and birth went wonderfully and both Mommy and baby did very well. The peditrician saw us and consulted with the urologist and put Cailynn on an antibiotic due to her abnormalities. We were also scheduled for testing at Children's the following week, and then we were allowed to go home!

At one week old, Cailynn was given an abdominal ultrasound and a test called voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG). Despite being the only newborn who won't automotically pee when her bladder is pumped full of 100cc of water, she tolerated the tests well and didn't seem too upset by everything.

The next day was our 1 week appointment with the pediatrician. He had the test results and was able to tell us that she has a condition called vesicoureteral reflux (VU reflux), which is when urine from the bladder goes back up the uereter and into the kidney. This can cause kidney infections. He said the ultrasound showed "goofy" anatomy, whatever that means! He also said that with these conditions, she will need surgery, but the timeline and details will be determined by the urologist. So we left that appointment with some questions answered, but even more new ones!

I need to mention here that this child's life has been in God's hands, has been God's plan since before her conception. After our 3rd child, and all the drama surrounding her entrance into this world, Trent and I had left the possibility of a 4th child up to God. Last fall we were delightfully surprised to find out we were pregnant. The timing was perfect, as I was due just after school was out (I'm a teacher). And as the time drew near, my husband was laid off the end of May, just days before she was born. God worked the timing and circumstances of the job loss for our good and Trent has been able to be a helper at home as well as able to attend doctors' appointments, baseball games, church activities, and even a dance recital! We have never had this much time together as a family. God is growing us as a couple and as parents, and strengthening our marriage and family.

As for Cailynn, our next appointment is July 9th, with the urologist. We hope to leave that appointment with our questions answered and a plan of action for our daughter. We thank you for your prayers and plan to keep you updated as to her journey with blog posts.

"Tori Buehler"