Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:6-7
Its been almost a week since Cailynn's surgery and I really want to thank everyone for your thoughts and prayers. The surgery itself went fantastic, according to the doc, and she is recovering/ healing nicely. I will let the pictures help tell the story, but want to thank Pastor Joe for giving of his time to keep us company during the 4 hours (only 4? felt like 40!!!) she was away from us. Thank you Pam, too :)
I need to thank my Mom, for so many things, but particularly for being there and keeping the 2 year old entertained, for visiting that night, for always being there when we need her.
We were in at 9:30 AM Monday morning, and went right to pre-op. Surgery was scheduled for 11:35. Answered a lot of questions, signed releases, asked some questions, and waited, and waited, and waited. A woman from the lab came up to draw blood :( Didn't get enough from the first vein, so had to stick her again, but got what she needed. Doc wass running late on another surgery, so it was 12:17 when they finally took her. It was heart wrenching to give her over to the nurse, but at least they carried her, and didn't wheel her away..
keeping big sister entertained in pre-op |
resting in Nana's arms before surgery |
They told us it was a 2- 2.5 hour procedure.... so after 3 hours, I asked for an update and was told they were closing. An hour later the Doc finally made his way out and told us she was in recovery. He said the surgery was textbook and that it couldn't have gone any better! I know God's hand was on his because it was a perfect surgery, he even said zero blood loss.... ??? She recovered well, and we got to meet her back in the room in the Almost Home unit. The nurses were familiar with us up there since I had spent a day and night there the week before. We were doubled up in a room at first, but around 7pm I asked if there was any way to get our own room (at the insistence of my hubby) and we did which made for a more restful night for both families. Cailynn slept on me all night. By this time all her leads and monitors were off, so I was only dealing with the IV and cath. Around midnight, during her IV antibiotic, her IV started to come out. The nurse tried to fix it, but lost it. OH, NO! I thought, and started praying again. They called the Doc and he just put her back on her oral antibiotic rather than put in a new IV - another prayer answered! THEN we rested.
after recovery |
still a little drugged.... |
back with mom... |
and dad |
incision site bandaged |
sooooo relieved |
IV, catheter, drainage tube, leads, O2 monitor, blood pressure cuff...
I didn't know how to pick her up! |
Slept all night in mommy's arms, and most of Tues too. |
feeling better, more like my baby |
2 inch incision on right side |
We got to go home Tuesday evening. She has been pretty comfortable, just needing pain meds around 4-5 in the evening. It looks like her incision is healing nicely, no sign of infection. She starts new meds tomorrow, and we are hoping she will be able to stay infection free for a long while.
Tori and Trent
ReplyDeleteSo glad to read the surgery was successful. May things go smoothly and may God keep you all in the palm of His hand.