Well, this weekend isn't going as I had planned!! Thursday afternoon, after the big kids came back from VBS, Trent took us out to Englewood Metropark for a hike. We saw lots of bugs and wildflowers and even a couple of Blue Angel jets practicing! It was a really nice family day.

That evening, as I was getting Cailynn ready for bed, she felt hot to me so I took her temp. It was 101.4 I gave her some Tylenol and in an hour, her temp had dropped, so we went to bed. She stayed ok through the night, but started getting hot again in the morning, so when we got up at 8am, I took her temp again and it was 100.5 Thankful it was Friday and not Saturday, I called and left a message for our pediatrician. They called back in a few hours and told us that, because of her age (6 weeks) and her kidney/ urinary tract issues, we needed to take her to Dayton Children's hospital ER.
Obviously this is not what we wanted to hear, and we had mixed feelings about it. We didn't want to get there, wait 6 hours to see a doctor, be give a Rx and sent home $100 poorer, but we didn't want to take any chances with her health either. Honestly, I thought she'd get a urine test and depending on the results, we'd leave with new medicine or be told she just has a virus. We were not aware how serious it is for a baby this young (under 8 weeks) to have an infection. Apparently, since her immune system is still so underdeveloped, it is very easy for an infection to get septic quickly, go to her brain and cause brain injury/ death!
Once they got everything they needed from her, it just became a waiting game. The tests were to take about a half hour, we were told. So we waited. Cailynn finally had a chance to nurse and sleep, held tightly by Mommy. We recieved the test results when expected, but not what we expected.
Baby and Mom slept well through the night. Dad slept at home. The rest of the kids slept at Nana's house.
I love the title of the post! :) We are continuing to pray for her and for you. Hugs!!
ReplyDeleteYou have a lovely family Tori and I am praying for you all!